Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. 




Woodthorpe, NG5 4HQ


Fundraising services
for schools
Offer a full service consultancy working with charities and not-for-profit organisations of all sizes and across all sectors. Explore More Get in touch Welcome to fundraising specialists
Fundraising audits

An impartial, expert review

Fundraising strategy

We work with organisations

Bid writing

Identifying the appropriate

Welcome to fundraising specialists

Fundraising Consultancy

Advice on how to run fundraising campaigns and appeals, fundraising strategic planning, review of fundraising activities and interim fundraising management.

We work in partnership with you to assess your needs and to look at what works for your organisation and what are the most effective fundraising mechanisms to adopt to help you achieve your goals. We can work with in house teams to advise and support them or do the job ourselves. This could be from compiling fundraising proposals/bids for Trusts/Statutory funders to planning a fundraising strategy.

We work in partnership with you to assess your needs and to look at what works for your organisation and what are the most effective fundraising mechanisms to adopt to help you achieve your goals.

We can work with in house teams to advise and support them or do the job ourselves. This could be from compiling fundraising proposals/bids for Trusts/Statutory funders to planning a fundraising strategy.

Using our extensive global experience, we are able to help your organisation and your people develop their very own clear, consistent and compelling message. We love training and inspiring others, be it in house development professionals, or those totally new to fundraising activity. We work with Trustees, Governors, CEO’s, FD’s, Head Teachers, and development professionals working across the not-for-profit sector.

Linda Ellis has worked within the charity and not for profit sector for nearly 20 years successfully running fundraising teams for a whole range of charities both small and large. Some names include: World Cancer Research Fund, Bliss Premature Baby Charity, RSPB, St Andrews University and numerous schools and small charities.

Welcome to fundraising specialists

What We Can Do For You

Fundraising audits

An impartial, expert review of the main factors that determine how successful your fundraising is. The fundraising audit is an essential foundation for developing an effective fundraising strategy. Scaled and tailored to suit your organisation, needs and budget.

Fundraising strategy

We work with organisations to help them develop and plan the most effective fundraising mechanisms.

Bid writing

Identifying the appropriate funding stream or agency
Completing the application/form in a timely fashion

Providing all the information required accurately and concisely
Ensure you have a good/viable/workable idea

Welcome to fundraising specialists

She has vast experience working with nearly 30 organisations and enjoyed success in:

How to raise funds from Charitable Trusts and Foundations

Establishing successful Corporate Partnerships

Planning/managing and delivering successful fundraising events

Fundraising from individuals and direct mail

Running capital fundraising campaigns

Raising funds from statutory institutions


Fundraising Events

Fundraising events are critical for nonprofits, offering opportunities to engage donors, raise funds, and increase awareness about their cause.


Corporate Sponsorship

Corporate sponsorships involve businesses supporting events, activities, or organizations financially or through services, enhancing brand visibility and community engagement for mutual benefit.


Development Planning

Development planning is crucial for nonprofits, involving strategic goal-setting, resource allocation, and continuous evaluation to ensure successful fundraising and sustainable growth.

Welcome to fundraising specialists

Capital Campaigns

Successful capital campaigns will allow you to raise as much as possible, quickly, from fewest prospects as possible.

Quite simply we show you how to raise a large sum of money in a short period of time. We can inform your strategy and leave you to it; we can guide your campaign from the sidelines; we can direct and mentor your own team; or can fully manage your Capital Campaign.

We do our homework to ensure we are clear on your goals and your strengths then advise you, based upon our experience, the best and most cost effective way forward for your organisation.

Welcome to fundraising specialists

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Discover the emerging technologies most relevant to your strategy by working with our community.

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We help you see the world differently, discover opportunities you may never have imagined and achieve results that bridge what is with what can be.

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